Some humble suggestions for the ever useful thief....ahem, I mean rogue these days...
Tavern Brawler
You cannot be surprised in a tavern or bar fight, and always have first strike in these situations. Any improvised weapon is improved from 1d4 to 1d8 in your hands.
Even for a thief, you are particularly agile. You may minus your Dexterity modifier (presuming it is positive) from any incoming attack. You cannot be wearing medium level armour if you are to maintain this.
Obtain knowledge
Allows you to gain secret information, if adequate investigations and enquiries are made, and if you are part of the local/dominant thieves guild. This may include floorplans to a residence, schedule of guard changes for the town, learn who is suspected of stealing a particular item, find a shady merchant, learn which guards may be bribed, learn where a noble stores a particular valuable item. The more secret the knowledge, the longer the amount of days it should take to obtain, e.g. Common knowledge 1 day, rare knowledge 1d6 days, secret knowledge 3d6 days. It should also cost money. It cannot be in relation to legendary or magical items that remain hidden due to magic. There is also a chance the information is incomplete or out of date.
You have advantage on attack rolls against a creature you are grappling, as well as against creatures that are grappling you.
Tavern Performer of Local Renown
Any roll related to use of your instrument or related to performance can be modified by your Charisma bonus. You can attempt to spread local rumours with a successful Charisma check through your songs, poems or performances. Every performance earns you gold from those gathered nearby (roll with advantage for gold gathered).
Once per day you can study an NPC or humanoid enemy for 10 minutes and may request from the Dungeon Master a single stat or weakness of your choice.
Mutual Understanding
You have either witnessed, lead, or been the target of interrogation before. You know just the right methods to extract information from a target. You may re-roll any failed ability roll being used during an interrogation or to forcibly extract information from a captive.
Spies (Follower Ability)
You can place a contact in a town or village. Once posted, the contact reports to you on anything you request that they can reasonably find out. The communication is via enchanted calligraphy scroll. You can request the agent monitor for specific occurrences, trail people, or otherwise uncover information. The dungeon master may request skill checks as appropriate.
Charlatan (Campfire Ability)
For any NPC interaction where you partake in a gambling or drinking game with them, you have advantage on subsequent rolls to either steal a single item, steal gold, poison them, or leave them bound and naked the next day.