Wednesday, March 8, 2023

A Simple Party Name Generator

Always add garnish. It's free. Here is some garnish for your party below. Particularly useful if running solo campaigns with a party. Runs the risk of getting attached to the poor bastards. 

Combine ingredients below...

1d6 Colour (Black, Purple, Vermillion, Ashen, Puce, Crimson)

1d6 Arcane (Smoking, Demon, Ritual, Inked, Mystic, Tomb)

1d6 Descriptors (Unexpected, Unwelcome, Eager, Bumbling, Swift, Clever)

1d6 "Of" (Chosen of, Out of, Order of, Conclave of, Seekers of, Banished of)

1d6 Metals (Iron, Brass, Copper, Bronze, Gold, Silver)

1d6 Monsters (Banshee, Manticore, Dragon, Kobold, Goblin, Ooze)

1d6 Evocative  (Velvet, Ice, Flaming, Silken, Broken, Ancient)


1d6 Fate (Request, Revenge, Gasp, Promise, Luck, Undertakers)

1d6 Jokers (Jokes, Liabilities, Blessing, Curses, Fools, Scoundrels)

1d6 Body (Teeth, Scars, Hearts, Eyes, Fists, Feet) 

1d6 Items (Hammers, Wineskins, Goblets, Nails, Sacks, Scrolls)  

1d6 Travel related (Wanderers, Vagabonds, Travellers, Companions, Riffraff, Drifters)  

1d6 Animal (Bears, Wolves, Ravens, Cats, Dogs, Badgers)  

1d6 Weapon (Axes, Blades, Knives, Arrows, Shields, Spears)


The Vermillion Blades

The Tomb Drifters

The Unexpected Liabilities

The Conclave of Badgers

The Copper Promise

The Velvet Fists

*Bonus Tavern Related: The Last Call, The Local Barflies, Dungeon Dreggs, The Cellar Rats, Empty Soldiers.

A Simple Party Name Generator

Always add garnish. It's free. Here is some garnish for your party below. Particularly useful if running solo campaigns with a party. Ru...